Monday 18 April 2016

Travel Diary - Weekend In Birmingham

It's been so long since I last wrote a post (I feel like i find myself saying this every time I go to write a post oopsies) but I thought I would write a little something about my recent weekend away as it seemed like some people wanted to see it from the result of my twitter poll. (twitter polls forever making my important life decisions) I don't know enough about the city to give many recommendations so it's a little bit more of a sort of travel diary.

So last weekend me and my family set off on a surprise trip to Birmingham that me and my mum had organised for my Dad's birthday. I had been once before but didn't get much chance to explore so to be able to visit again was a lovely opportunity.
Typical tourist photos obviously had to be taken of the famous Selfridges building
Firstly whilst my dad and brother went off for a day at the football me and mum went to do some shopping. We headed straight to the Bullring like any typical tourist. It's so huge and literally has every shop you could wish for. I was lusting over pretty much everything in Selfridges for ages but managed to some how resist. Instead I went for the beautiful Archive by Alexa Elsie dress from Marks and Spencer which i'm completely in love with! I had my eye on the majority of the collection ever since it was released earlier on in the week so i'm so glad that I managed to grab my favourite piece. I can't wait to get to wear it (let me know if you would like to see some outfit posts featuring it). And also hinted on a few little things for my birthday that is rapidly getting closer eek!

When we got a bit peckish we decided to find 'The Boston Tea Party'. I had never been before but I had heard many people say it was amazing. I was obviously not disappointed, the decor was gorgeous and so pinteresty and the food was amazing! Being typical Ash I eyed up the brunch menu straight away, my eyes being drawn to everything that mentioned 'avocado'. When the food came it was so yummy, mum loved hers too so I would definitely recommend heading there if you ever see one when you're out and about.

Avocado on rye bread with poached eggs and chilli
The Boston Tea Party
(heart eye emoji)

After we had finished a lovely day walking about and strolling round the shops we headed back to the hotel and got changed, I wore my new Zara blouse which i'm so in love with at the moment. Time flew past so quickly and it was time to go for the surprise meal we had planned at Jamie's Italian. One of my personal favourite restaurants. No surprise here but I ate all the carbs and had the best time, both the staff and food are always so lovely at Jamie's, I have never had a bad experience there before. Reminiscing all of the amazing food I consumed over the weekend is making me so hungry right now, I quite literally ate like a princess for the entirety of the weekend.

The lighting was rubbish for outfit and food photos
so this one of me enjoying all the pasta and prosecco
will have to be adequate.
On the second day we relaxed a little more as we were all exhausted after a busy day the day before. We went for another quick look round the shops. Me and mum also went for a quick coffee and lunch in a lovely independent cafe called 'York's Bakery' which was so nice, I would definitely recommend it as the food, drinks, decor and staff were all so lovely there. They had the best chai lattes I have ever had (I always think they taste like yummy mugs full of warm hugs) and I also took a cookie home and enjoyed the yumminess with a very necessary cup of tea after the long car journey back home. 

I hear you say 'Surprise surprise Ash is in another coffee shop again'
This one was so lovely. This time I went for another variation of the poached
egg with eggs portobello.
We also visited the Ikon gallery where there was an amazing Dan Flavin exhibition on, which I found so beautiful and interesting. His work is so simple but effective and I really love it. I also went to take a few photos because the architecture in Birmingham is amazing, and of course I couldn't not take some obligatory pretty photos of the pink blossom trees (i'm sure they will have to be instagrammed pretty soon). 

The Ikon Gallery
'The Dan Flavin - It is what it is and it ain't
nothing else' exhibition

Couldn't resist some photos with the pink blossom seen
as it was so pretty and definitely matches my bag!

So overall I had such a lovely weekend celebrating with my family, and would definitely love to head back to Birmingham at some point to explore some more of the hidden gems that are around!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Ash x


  1. Love that top, and both your meals look amazing, yum! I definitely want to check out that exhibition too, it looks amazing!

    Anoushka Probyn - A London Fashion Blog

    1. Aw thank you, all the meals were so nice! I hope you got a chance to take a peek at the exhibition it was definitely worth a visit!x
