Sunday 11 December 2016

Embroidered details and fesitivities

Over the weekend I decided to nip across to Nottingham in anticipation of taking in plenty of the festivities happening around this time of the year (as well as fitting in a spot of christmas shopping of course).

Whilst I was there I met my lovely friend India. We spent a while just chatting and strolling around the most amazing craft fair at the Contemporary gallery and the Vegan market. I picked up a few bits as christmas presents and some yummy treats for myself, including the most incredible banana and biscoff cupcake! (because you just have to 'treat yo' self every now and again).

On our little adventure we decided to take a few outfit snaps along the way that I thought I would share with you!
If you follow me on any social media you'll probably have realised that I have been so on board with the recent embroidery trends that are everywhere right now! I just think the pieces are so pretty especially with the gorgeous floral details. Although I definitely can't afford one of the stunning Needle and Thread embroidered dresses that I will be forever lusting over the little collection of pieces I have built up in my wardrobe will make do for my current obsession. 
I recently invested in this coat from Zara after much deliberation but I am honestly so in love with it. I wear it everyday without fail and have received so many compliments on it so far. 
I was so happy with this outfit and felt very 'me' in my mundane, average 'skirt and t-shirt combo' combined with the added detail of the gorgeous embroidered mini skirt I recently purchased and fell head over heals with from New Look.

Monday 8 August 2016

A few days in Brighton

So last week I went for a little trip away to the gorgeous seaside area of Brighton. I'm still not hugely pleased with any of the photos I managed to snap as I was more focused on having a lovely time, however i still wanted to share my trip with you all in a little post, as it is somewhere I have wanted to visit for so many years now and after reading and watching the blogs/city guides of some of my favourite youtubers and bloggers ( Charlotte , Olivia and Anna ) I had built up a fair list of places I was desperate to visit (mainly the amazing array of food choices I must point out). So when I finally arrived as you can probably guess I was so excited and eager to explore. We were there for two half days and two full days in total so had a fair bit of time to explore and do things around the city.

Day 1:
We arrived just after midday on the Sunday. The weather was more than I could have wished for with bright blue sky and gorgeous sunshine, ideal weather for a day at the beach. We took a little stroll down the lanes before grabbing a spot of lunch. I opted for my first ever Bagelman after it being recommended many times. We took our food and sat in the Pavilion gardens listening to street music in the sunshine which was lovely, my veggie delight bagel definitely did not disappoint! Afterwards we headed to the seafront for a stroll down the iconic pier. Although after the long drive and quite a lot of walking we were all quite sleepy and decided to head back to the hotel for a while. In the evening we decided to go for dinner at Fatto A Mano in the Hove area. Despite this being a little trek away from the city centre and not being the easiest to find if you aren't familiar with Brighton (google maps was definitely my saviour over this break) it is definitely worth heading over once you find it! It's a small pizza restaurant with a distinct neighbourhood, friendly feel to it. The pizzas were incredible, probably the best i've had, the service was great and I loved that you could watch the chefs making the pizzas too.

Day 2:
We woke up nice and early in order to make the most out of our first full day. Breakfast be
ing by far my favourite meal of the day we headed the the famous Breakfast Club. There was so much choice but eventually I decided on the homemade granola which was incredible. However my brother had the pancakes which I also could have devoured. Next we headed back across to the pier but walked along the sea front to the crazy golf which was so much fun. I'm part of an extremely competitive family so the only downside of this was that me coming second won't be forgotten any time soon! We also visited the marina and took some photos of the pier (very stereotypical Brighton touristy type things but they had to be done of course). For lunch me and mum went to the very bloggerish and over instagrammed Flour Pot Bakery. However this was definitely not a let down with gorgeous interiors and amazing baked goods. After another wander round the lanes nipping in and out of some lovely shops as well as a quick ice cream stop at Boho Gelato where I had the best ice cream ever (there were so many flavours to choose from but I opted for peanut butter and jelly and vanilla latte), it was then time to head back to the hotel and we decided on going to Wahaca for dinner. The food here was so good and there was a really nice laid back atmosphere. I loved that you could sample different dishes by having the small dishes as I am far to indecisive when choosing from a menu! The cocktails were also to die for, I think I had a passionfruit and vanilla mojito, as you can never have too many mojitos!

Day 3:
We decided we could just have a quick breakfast in the hotel for convenience and to save a few pennies this morning. We stayed in the Premier Inn which I would definitely recommend as it is right in the city centre within walking distance from anything you would want to see and do. For us it was perfect and so convenient. After breakfast the girls went on a bit of a shopping spree in the Churchill Square shopping centre in which there is every shop you could think of. And then headed for lunch at Bread and Milk which I loved. Decision making was so difficult in here as the sandwich counter was full of halloumi, hummus and pesto loaded options which I just couldn't resist! We took another stroll around the lanes. Some of my favourite little shops we visited included; Edited (full of so many gorgeous interiors) , Infinity Foods (for all of the yummy snacks), Bluebird Tea Co (honestly if you love tea this place is like heaven), Magazine Brighton (for my new found love of magazines for lots of inspiration and lazy day reading) and Spider Plant (oh my gosh if you love cacti and are a true plant lover get yourself in this little store!) . When we all reunited after the boys had been to Seaworld and we had been shopping we quickly nipped into Snoopers Paradise to use the photo booth. Then made a pit stop at one of the many Cloud 9 bakeries for the best red velvet cupcake ever! In the evening me and mum went to Food for Friends, somewhere I had been excited about eating at for so long and it definitely didn't let me down, my mum isn't a veggie and she absolutely loved it which is such a big compliment to the restaurant. The service was incredible and so was the food. I definitely had the best halloumi burger of my life and the sharing truffles desert was such a treat. Not forgetting some of the best cocktails I've had, a trip here was definitely such a treat.

Day 4:
I was so sad that this was our final day but due to this I was determined to make the most of it. Therefore I woke up bright and early and headed to 42 Juice for a little breakfast pick me up. This place is so good with a huge array of juice, smoothie, coffee and snack choices. I went for the buckwheat porridge with loads of toppings which was so smooth and dreamy as well as an almond milk latte to wake me up! The woman working in there was so lovely as we got chatting whilst I sat and people watched out the window. Once I had finished I took a final walk around, snapped a few photos of the Pavilion and grabbed some snacks from The Infinity Foods Bakery for the long journey home. We then all squished into the car and headed over to Hove as it was far too windy to walk down the seafront! I snapped some obligatory photos of the gorgeous pastel beach huts which definitely cannot go a miss when visiting Brighton as they always make the perfect stereotypical insta post. However it was then sadly time to head home.

Top and Shorts - Both Topshop
Bag - Cambridge Satchel Company
 Shoes - Office

I would definitely recommend Brighton as a city to anyone, everywhere is so cute and positive and there is so much to explore! I would absolutely love to head back again some time soon. I hope this post helped anyone who has a trip down to the coast planned or just fancies another trip and wanted a few recommendations!

What city should I visit next? Let me know if you have any ideas! I'd also love to hear about some of your favourite places to go in Brighton for if I ever visit again!

Ash x

Sunday 29 May 2016

Exploring Japanese Gardens

The sunshine making a little appearance is a very rare occasion in the UK so it seemed completely necessary to take full advantage of it, and what better way to do so than by visiting the most beautiful little Japanese gardens. 

The gardens were so relaxing and peaceful, I honestly could have spent all day just strolling around. Everywhere was so tranquil and picturesque so as usual I was snapping away the whole time (how could you not when everywhere was so instagram worthy?!) 
When we arrived we were greeted by the most lovely Japanese man who gave us this incredible Japanese fruit tea in the cutest ceramic cups! Sipping tea in the most beautiful surroundings is my idea of heaven so as you can imagine this was perfect and I was so content.  

Blouse - Zara, Skirt - Urban Outfitters, Shoes - Office (similar here)
Bag - Cambridge Satchel Company, Watch - Daniel Wellington

Making the most of the nice weather obviously I got out all of the summer clothes. I'm so obsessed with this blouse at the moment and have been wearing it non stop! It's such a versatile piece and I feel so girly when I wear it with the frills and cut out details. I've also been loving styling my pink satchel ever since I got it, it surprisingly matches so many of my outfits, most likely down to my very monochromatic wardrobe situation, but never the less i'm so in love with it and love the pop of colour and feminine touch it adds to an outfit.

I had such a lovely day exploring and relaxing, and I am hoping for many more little adventures through out the summer months. Please let me know if you have any recommendations and if you would like to see more of this kind of post.

Ash x

Thursday 26 May 2016

Current Skincare Favourites/Routine

I’ve never suffered from having particularly problematic skin which I feel very lucky for really. However I do love trying out new skincare bits and experimenting with my routine. It’s almost impossible to me to resist popping into Space NK or department store beauty counters when I'm passing! However recently I have managed to develop a little skincare routine that i’m really happy with and find that it works around my lifestyle (my laziness and lack of motivation to get that mascara off in the evening) as well as my skins needs. So I thought I would share with you a few of the products that i’ve been enjoying using.

My first step is to cleanse my face and for this I tend to use the very well known Liz Earle cleanse and polish. I’ve seen so many people use this and I can completely understand why, it’s just so quick and easy whilst also being really effective in removing all of your makeup. It leaves my face feeling clean and fresh and is just such a nice product to use in general. I would say this is really good for all skin types as it’s so gentle on the skin.

I've only recently started to discover the magic stuff which is serum, why did I not use this before it honestly seems to work miracles. I am currently loving using the Origins original skin renewal serum. Not only does this come in gorgeous pretty pink packaging and smell amazing it also works wonders for my skin. It claims to; de-stress, smooth roughness, delete dullness, shrink pores and minimise pores and I would say it definitely ticks all of these boxes. I have definitely noticed a significant difference in my skin ever since I started using this, it seems much brighter and radiant nowadays. You also only need the tiniest amount and it goes such a long way so it’s definitely worth splurging a little on the slightly higher price point. 

Once the serum has sunk in I move on to moisturiser. I hate moisturisers that are really heavy and linger on your face for what seems like an eternity once you’ve used it. Seen as I don’t suffer from particularly dry skin I just use a light moisturiser, i’m currently really enjoying using the Liz Earle skin repair moisturiser (can you tell i’m a big fan of Liz Earl?).

And that’s about it for my everyday routine, as you can tell I try to keep it as simple as possible to ensure that I actually stick to it.
However I do like to treat myself to some extra little treatments and things about once a week. Face masks are one of my favourite ways to relax whilst also giving my skin a well needed treat. My all time favourite one is the Sanctuary Spa 5 minute thermal detox mask. This is the perfect mask, not only is it really affordable but it also leaves your skin feeling so soft and glowing afterwards. The warming sensation whilst you leave it on is also so nice, I think thermal masks are my favourite for this reason because it’s just so relaxing. However the Lush fresh face masks are also some of my favourites too. 

I thought I would also mention a few sort of miscellaneous products that aren’t for my ‘face routine’ but I would still class them as part of my skin care. 

So i’ve really been loving the Lush salted coconut hand scrub as I can often get really dry hands and this little pot of magic seems to instantly seems to fix that making them super soft. It also smells incredible, I instantly love anything coconut scented really so this was always going to be a winner for me! I love Lush as a brand in general and have so much trust that any of there products will be amazing! 

I’ve also been loving using facial mists as part of my routine. I like to use them as both a toner as well as just a bit of a face refresher. My current favourite is the Caudalie grape water and I basically just spray this all of the time! It’s so nice as it is very soothing, moisturising and refreshing, especially when you’ve been staring at a screen for ages or out and about in busy cities and stuff. I usually use it at the end of my skincare routine and then chuck it in my handbag or put it on my bedside table so it's easy to to grab and quickly spritz throughout the day as a little pick me up. I also love using the Neal's Yard white tea face mist which smells amazing! Neal's Yard have loads of really lovely products if you're looking to treat yourself I would really recommend it as a brand! Another thing I love about both of these mists is that they never leave your face feeling damp and don't damage your makeup they just leave a subtle glow and set your makeup in place. I always have one of them knocking about nearby!

Let me know if you have anymore recommendations for me as I am always up for mixing my routine up a little bit and trying out new products. I’d love to hear what some of your personal favourite skin care products are too!

Ash xx

Monday 18 April 2016

Travel Diary - Weekend In Birmingham

It's been so long since I last wrote a post (I feel like i find myself saying this every time I go to write a post oopsies) but I thought I would write a little something about my recent weekend away as it seemed like some people wanted to see it from the result of my twitter poll. (twitter polls forever making my important life decisions) I don't know enough about the city to give many recommendations so it's a little bit more of a sort of travel diary.

So last weekend me and my family set off on a surprise trip to Birmingham that me and my mum had organised for my Dad's birthday. I had been once before but didn't get much chance to explore so to be able to visit again was a lovely opportunity.
Typical tourist photos obviously had to be taken of the famous Selfridges building
Firstly whilst my dad and brother went off for a day at the football me and mum went to do some shopping. We headed straight to the Bullring like any typical tourist. It's so huge and literally has every shop you could wish for. I was lusting over pretty much everything in Selfridges for ages but managed to some how resist. Instead I went for the beautiful Archive by Alexa Elsie dress from Marks and Spencer which i'm completely in love with! I had my eye on the majority of the collection ever since it was released earlier on in the week so i'm so glad that I managed to grab my favourite piece. I can't wait to get to wear it (let me know if you would like to see some outfit posts featuring it). And also hinted on a few little things for my birthday that is rapidly getting closer eek!

When we got a bit peckish we decided to find 'The Boston Tea Party'. I had never been before but I had heard many people say it was amazing. I was obviously not disappointed, the decor was gorgeous and so pinteresty and the food was amazing! Being typical Ash I eyed up the brunch menu straight away, my eyes being drawn to everything that mentioned 'avocado'. When the food came it was so yummy, mum loved hers too so I would definitely recommend heading there if you ever see one when you're out and about.

Avocado on rye bread with poached eggs and chilli
The Boston Tea Party
(heart eye emoji)

After we had finished a lovely day walking about and strolling round the shops we headed back to the hotel and got changed, I wore my new Zara blouse which i'm so in love with at the moment. Time flew past so quickly and it was time to go for the surprise meal we had planned at Jamie's Italian. One of my personal favourite restaurants. No surprise here but I ate all the carbs and had the best time, both the staff and food are always so lovely at Jamie's, I have never had a bad experience there before. Reminiscing all of the amazing food I consumed over the weekend is making me so hungry right now, I quite literally ate like a princess for the entirety of the weekend.

The lighting was rubbish for outfit and food photos
so this one of me enjoying all the pasta and prosecco
will have to be adequate.
On the second day we relaxed a little more as we were all exhausted after a busy day the day before. We went for another quick look round the shops. Me and mum also went for a quick coffee and lunch in a lovely independent cafe called 'York's Bakery' which was so nice, I would definitely recommend it as the food, drinks, decor and staff were all so lovely there. They had the best chai lattes I have ever had (I always think they taste like yummy mugs full of warm hugs) and I also took a cookie home and enjoyed the yumminess with a very necessary cup of tea after the long car journey back home. 

I hear you say 'Surprise surprise Ash is in another coffee shop again'
This one was so lovely. This time I went for another variation of the poached
egg with eggs portobello.
We also visited the Ikon gallery where there was an amazing Dan Flavin exhibition on, which I found so beautiful and interesting. His work is so simple but effective and I really love it. I also went to take a few photos because the architecture in Birmingham is amazing, and of course I couldn't not take some obligatory pretty photos of the pink blossom trees (i'm sure they will have to be instagrammed pretty soon). 

The Ikon Gallery
'The Dan Flavin - It is what it is and it ain't
nothing else' exhibition

Couldn't resist some photos with the pink blossom seen
as it was so pretty and definitely matches my bag!

So overall I had such a lovely weekend celebrating with my family, and would definitely love to head back to Birmingham at some point to explore some more of the hidden gems that are around!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Ash x

Sunday 28 February 2016

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Tuesday 19 January 2016

My Current Wish List

So recently i’ve accumulated a slightly lengthy list of things i’ve been lusting over whilst i’ve been having my regular online browsing time. There’s so many lovely things about at the moment that I thought I would share with you all!

So my first category is beauty bits that i am so bad for being drawn in to whenever I go shopping. I just can’t resist the pretty packaging and sparkly counters okay, nothing beats coming home with a new lipstick or nail varnish! I’ve wanted to try something from the brand Hourglass for so long as i’ve heard so much good stuff about them. I think the powders look incredible as well as the blushes, however i’m not too much of a blush user so i’ve been really drawn into their beautiful shimmery powders! Another brand I am yet to try is Charlotte Tilbury. I lust over the insanely beautiful rose gold packaging every time I'm in Selfridges but i’ve yet to splurge on any goodies. I’ve heard amazing things about the retoucher concealer so i’d love to give that a go but if you have any more recommendations please let me know because i’m up for trying anything that comes with the dreamy rose gold packaging! I’m still searching for the perfect highlighter, I love my Benefit ones but i tested the Nars illuminator in cococabana when I was in Space NK the other week and oh my gosh it’s like a little tube of shimmery heaven i need that stuff in my life! Finally for this category I think it’s time to try out something a bit different other than my trusty Liz Earl Cleanse and Polish, i’ve used it for so long and I just fancy a change. I’ve heard non stop incredible things about the Oskia cleanser so i think this will be the next cleanser on the agenda for Ash’s face.

Next is a few clothing bits i’ve had my eye on. If i’m honest there isn’t too much that’s caught my eye recently, I think it's that weird transition between seasons kind of time at the moment where nothing ever tends to really jump out at me. But… how could I ever resist another striped top for my ever growing collection? You can never have too many sriped tops! There’s also a couple of lovely knitwear pieces because it is still freezing cold and i’ve heard it’s going to snow soon what?? I am so not prepared get me all the jumpers quick! I love anything thick and cosy that i can cuddle up in so these fluffy cardigans and jumpers are right up my street. Also isn’t this constellation print shirt from the white pepper the cutest thing you have ever seen! I’ve had my eye on it for so long but i’m still undecided on if i should go for it or not. 

Homeware has become my new love, I seem like some kind of old lady spending all my days just sculling through homeware sites and subconciously looking through Pinterest for inspiration with my constant form of caffeine to fuel me! I'm basically loving anything copper, marble and pretty. The Pinterest is really getting to me can you tell? And i’m yet to mention my ever growing collection of cactus’ ( yes they are still alive i’m so proud of myself ). I’ve been searching for the perfect candle that smells good and has pretty packaging but isn’t crazy expensive, eventually I stumbled across the brand Clement and Claude and fell in love. Some of my favourite places to buy home things are Urban Outfitters, Oliver Bonas and Anthropologie, but I also can't resist a good day trip to ikea! I recently found this beautiful copper photo frame amongst lots of other lovely bits on the Urban Outfitters website which i think would look so cute on my shelves. If you'd like a shelf tour soon please let me know because i'm quite proud of how cute they are looking now!

I have tried to put links to everything mentioned in this post. I have also made a Pinterest board that should have everything i have spoken about and I will keep adding to it as I find more things I like if you fancy taking a look at that too. I've developed a sight obsession with Pinterest recently it so dangerous for procrastination I could spend hours just scrolling.
What are your favourite things in my wish list? And what little gems have you had your eye on or made a sneaky purchase for recently, i’d love to hear some more inspiration!

Thursday 7 January 2016

Travelling - past, present and future

Helloo, this ones going to be a bit of a lengthy one so go and grap yourself a cuppa’ and *yummy snack of choice* to get yourself through!
Travelling and exploring new places is something that i have always loved. A few years ago i decided that i didn’t appreciate the places around me enough. There are some really beautiful cities in the UK, i’d love to visit them all eventually so i’m slowly working my way through. In 2015 i visited some amazing places and there’s many more that i plan to visit or revisit this year too. I have also done snazzy (hopefully) clickable links to any of the places that I have mentioned to make it a little easier for you to navigate, so you can take a sneaky look and maybe visit a few for yourself. 

2015 Travels:

I won’t go into too much detail on every city just a few of my favourites and most memorable ones, mentioning just a few of my highlights from throughout the year and hopefully I won't ramble on for too long!
 So in February i went to Norwich, it was very quaint with lots of cobbled streets that you could get lost amongst filled with lots of lovely little independent shops, i know sounds like my kind of heaven already! Whilst i was there i took the opportunity to go to lots of little cafes and coffee shops, i would definitely recommend No 33, theres usually a queue but its worth the wait for the best pancakes! Strangers coffee house, Pandoras kitchen ( who sell the best salted caramel brownies oh my gosh ) and little red roaster which has a really cute stall on the market are also ones to visit. On the restaurant side i went for the safe bet with Jamie’s Italian and Bill’s, you can never go wrong definitely two of my favourites for any city! 
In April i took a quick trip down to London, although I didn’t have much time as I mainly went to watch the marathon. However I would love to go again in the future and spend more time exploring as I think the city itself is amazing and there is so much there that I am yet to see!
Moving on to May my parents took me on a surprise trip to Cambridge for my birthday, this was the second time i had been, I absolutely love it there, everywhere is so cute and historic. The boat tours are touristy of course but I would recommend them if it is your first time, they are so relaxed and a good way to learn a little about the city. I went to an amazing crepe place that i wish i could remember the name of! We also went for one of the best halloumi burgers i’ve ever had in a really cool restaurant with an industrial style decor which i loved called Smokeworks, hidden away on a little side street but well worth finding! 
In the summer me and my family went on holiday to the south of France and whilst we were there we visited the city of Perpignan. This is the only city outside of the UK that i am going to mention as I am yet to venture out of this country too much. However it was too gorgeous here not to give it a quick mention. It was nice to see somewhere that wasn’t completely commercialised, there was a lot of French culture and things that i would consider to be traditionally French which was nice to experience. The shops were also amazing , and yes a very necessary trip to Sephora obviously had to happen!
I’ve visited both Nottingham and Leeds countless times throughout the years but I love them both so much as cities that i thought I would still include them. Nottingham has lots of lovely places to visit once you get to know the good areas you can find some hidden gems down some of the little side streets! I love the cafe ‘Homemade’ , ‘200 degrees coffee roastery’ is also the perfect place to take a break from the shopping with a cuppa’! I also have to mention the ‘Jamie’s Italian’ here is so nice and you can never beat a trip to Yo Sushi what ever city you’re in! There’s also a lovely area called Cobden Chambers that has lots of little independent businesses, including a magazine shop I love called ‘Ideas on paper’ where you can pick up lots of independent magazines, zines, books and stationary. Moving on to Leeds, which I think I could say is my favourite city so far, I just really love everything about it, i would really like to go to Uni there eventually i think. I can’t go a trip there without going to the corn exchange, not just for the mandatory insta photos but also for the gorgeous little independent shops inside (you can pick up the BEST humous and falafel at ‘Humpit’!) For coffee and cakes i would definitely recommend ‘Laynes espresso’ as this is by far my favourite cafe in Leeds, but ‘Mrs Atha’s’ is also nice too. I have so many more recommendations for these two cities because I go fairly often, so if you want a more in depth post or anymore information on them just let me know in the comments.

My aspirations for travelling in 2016. 

I haven’t decided on too many places as it would be completely unrealistic, however there are a few places I have been desperate to visit for so long and this year i would like to explore these places to tick them of my list. I also invested in one of those scratch maps of the UK and Ireland so that i can follow and keep track of which places I have been to and decide where i want to go next, I think these are such a cute idea!
The first place I would love to visit is Brighton! I can’t believe i’ve never been as it looks right up my street with the lovely little beach huts and independent shops and cafes I'm pretty sure i’d be in heaven. I’ve been reading lots of posts and been very inspired by the lovely Viviannadoesmakeup and Charlottesweb who have both done amazing posts on Brighton, well worth a read if you’re also thinking on taking a trip.
Somewhere thats a little bit of a trek but i have been desperate to go to for so long is Edinburgh. After following whatoliviadid’s trip there i felt totally inspired and i’m so excited to go and explore! I think it looks so cute and historic! Definitely look forward to a blog post in the near future of me exploring the cobbled streets, little shops and cafes, and all my Scottish excitement!
Finally i would like to take a quick trip to Oxford. It’s been sat on my list of places to go for a while now but i just never seem to have got round to going. I’m not sure when I plan to go but it just looks very traditionally English and a nice place to explore for a day or two!
I’m sure there will be other places I visit this year too, however I like to decide on a few destinations at the beginning of the year so that I have things to look forward to, maybe it will motivate me through the struggles of sixth form a bit, or is that too optimistic?

Wishlist of places to visit abroad:

I thought i’d include a little section of places that i am currently lusting over visiting in the future that are slightly further away. When i’m older, a bit more settled, and have explored and appreciated my own country I would love to venture abroad. Going abroad makes me feel fairly anxious with lots of changes, new surroundings and the dreaded plane! However despite this I am determined to combat this in the future and try to say 'yes' to more opportunities that I am given, otherwise I know i will regret missing out on some amazing experiences and memories. Some of the places i’d love to visit include; Thailand, Holland, Berlin and Budapest. I've seen loads of people from some of my favourite blogs and people i follow on twitter travelling to amazing places this year and i have felt so inspired and envious of all their amazing trips! I’ve looked into them all quite a lot recently and I think I would love them all, i’d really love to experience all of the different cultures and traditions and just generally explore them all!

This post is getting super long i’m so sorry, but i’m pretty proud of you if you’ve managed to get this far and I hope at least part of this has been kind of useful or interesting for you. Let me know in the comments where you would like to visit this year or if you have any questions on any of the places i have mentioned!

Ash x