Tuesday 29 December 2015

What I got for Christmas 2015

Hello again, I haven't blogged in so so long but I have decided that in the new year i'm going to get back on track. I did a little poll on twitter to see what sort of post you wanted to see first and this came out most popular, you all must be just as nosey as me!
So this Christmas I was well and truly spoilt by my family and friends and I received so many lovely gifts which I am so thankful for! I feel so lucky to have got such beautiful things this year!
First I got the Channel Coco Mademoiselle perfume which is one of my all time favourite scents. The packaging is so beautiful I just keep looking at it. I think fancy perfumes are one of those things that is so nice to receive as a gift as I would never buy them myself so it seems so special. 
I also got a gorgeous Astrid and Miyu ring which I have wanted for ages! They are so dainty and I love that this one has my birthstone in it, so it is really special, and of course it is rose gold my favourite! I love Astrid and Miyu as a brand, i've been visiting their website and lusting over everything that's rose gold for so long! They have such a gorgeous collection of jewellery, I would really love to invest in a few more pieces in the future. Along withe the rose gold obsession I got a copper/rose gold letter A from Oliver Bonas which I have wanted for literally so long but the A has aways been out of stock, but by mum managed to get me one finally which I was honestly so happy about when I opened, I love it and it looks so cute in it's new home on my shelves in my room now!
A few other things that my family got me were; the fluffiest, cosiest dressing gown from Topshop with really cute ears on the hood. (I'm not sure when I plan on taking this off i love it too much). And also a lovely grey marl t-shirt from the brand 'Tee and Cake' at Topshop that says 'Let's Avocuddle' on it with a  little avocado, which obviously i'm obsessed with. My avocado loving is obviously wee known amongst my family! They also got me some vinyl records for my little record player to add to my collection. And a couple of books, i've already been experimenting with my new Wagamamas cook book, watch out ash is cooking up all the noodles!
I got a few beauty bits and bobs. The YSL lipstick I got is so beautiful, although i'm so nervous to use it as it seems so perfect! I was also treated to lots of Bumble and Bumble goodies which I am excited to try out as I have never used anything from that brand before!
I feel like i'm just listing everything that I have photographed which i'm trying not to do as I know that will be boring to read! However I hope this was kind of interesting for you, personally I love these kind of posts around christmas time, let me know what you got this year i'd love to here all the lovely things you received too!

Ash x


  1. That picture is so pretty! I absolutely love the smell of that perfume, it's so good. I think every blogger must have got some homeware that was either rose gold or copper gold haha. Great post!

    Chloe // Mojichlo xxx

    1. Aw thankyou chloe! I don't think anyone can resist the rose gold interiors they're so gorgeous!
