Friday 10 July 2015


From many past experiences I am fully aware as to just how difficult it can be to ignore the stress of everyday life, and take time to yourself. Stress is constantly looming on us; deadlines, responsibilities, and thoughts. However there are so many simple things we can do in attempt to combat this horrible feeling.
I invite you to take five minutes to read this post, armed with a cup of tea, and a mind ready to relax. 
First put down that work you’re allowed a break. Sometimes I can spend so long working on something but it’s just not worth it as my brain is too tired and over worked to continue for such a lengthy amount of time. Going back to something with a fresh mind will benefit your work.
Make yourself a hot beverage. Usually my drink of choice will be a cup of tea, it’s so comforting when you’re stressed. I’d recommend the Tea Pig's chamomile tea its sooo good (and the packaging is gorgeous which is always a bonus!) And just because you’re so great treat yourself to a biscuit...or several, I mean how can you have a cup of tea without a biscuit to dunk!

I feel like my creative juices all flood out when i’m stressed so I will usually draw for a while. This always seems to be when I come up with the best ideas. It’s so relaxing too. The shelves of Waterstones are full of ‘adult colouring books’ now so it must do something. I’d really like to invest in The Mindfulness Colouring book by Emma Farrarons it’s so pretty and beautifully made.

Another thing I like to do is read. I always have a large supply of beautifully illustrated and interesting reads at hand to flick through in my spare time.  I also have a lovely area in my room where I just like to sit, light a candle and relax. I also have this Neal's Yard remedies to roll, which is a lifesaver. I never used to think that things like this would actually work but they are so calming and comforting I would definitely recommend them to anyone who gets anxious or stressed.

I hope you now feel suitably calm and content.
Thank you for reading, I'd love to hear all your little ways of relaxing in the comments x


  1. This is such a good post - I certainly need to find more time to relax, and I'm also really jealous of those teas and I love reading Paris Street Style - all the photos are so gorgeous!

    1. Aw thank you lovely, I think everyone should take a little time each day to relax! The teas are so nice I would definitely recommend tea pigs as a brand!

  2. that chill cushion is so so cute!

    Hannah at HNNHVNBLS
