Thursday 18 June 2015



I’ve been debating starting a slog for a while now, and many of my lovely friends have been persuading me that I should give it a go as what’s the worst that could happen? Now I have finished school for summer and after months of copious amounts revision, I still feel the need to do something productive with my time, blogging is something I think I will enjoy and will help me to keep memories that aren't just through an aesthetically pleasing square photo or 140 sarcastic characters I am currently used to.

I’m currently sat sipping on a coffee the size of my face and several biscuits, and I guess this is where my blog begins. I’ve found that I often struggle to contain everything I want to say in just 140 characters, so be prepared for my rambling as I embrace the lack of character limitations.

So I guess I’ll start my telling you a little about myself... I’d like to consider myself as a creative person; I love to spend my free time drawing, and snapping the odd photo, hopefully this will be conveyed in the image I hope to create through this blog. I also have a slight obsession with hummus, cakes, and coffee, (my usual order is a hazelnut latte). I also love to explore. Whether it is a new city or just the countryside around where I live, new places always seem to interest me.

I hope to post fairly regularly whilst I have the time. If anyone happens to read this I hope you enjoy my content, I’m excited to explore and get started.

Ash x

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