Monday 8 August 2016

A few days in Brighton

So last week I went for a little trip away to the gorgeous seaside area of Brighton. I'm still not hugely pleased with any of the photos I managed to snap as I was more focused on having a lovely time, however i still wanted to share my trip with you all in a little post, as it is somewhere I have wanted to visit for so many years now and after reading and watching the blogs/city guides of some of my favourite youtubers and bloggers ( Charlotte , Olivia and Anna ) I had built up a fair list of places I was desperate to visit (mainly the amazing array of food choices I must point out). So when I finally arrived as you can probably guess I was so excited and eager to explore. We were there for two half days and two full days in total so had a fair bit of time to explore and do things around the city.

Day 1:
We arrived just after midday on the Sunday. The weather was more than I could have wished for with bright blue sky and gorgeous sunshine, ideal weather for a day at the beach. We took a little stroll down the lanes before grabbing a spot of lunch. I opted for my first ever Bagelman after it being recommended many times. We took our food and sat in the Pavilion gardens listening to street music in the sunshine which was lovely, my veggie delight bagel definitely did not disappoint! Afterwards we headed to the seafront for a stroll down the iconic pier. Although after the long drive and quite a lot of walking we were all quite sleepy and decided to head back to the hotel for a while. In the evening we decided to go for dinner at Fatto A Mano in the Hove area. Despite this being a little trek away from the city centre and not being the easiest to find if you aren't familiar with Brighton (google maps was definitely my saviour over this break) it is definitely worth heading over once you find it! It's a small pizza restaurant with a distinct neighbourhood, friendly feel to it. The pizzas were incredible, probably the best i've had, the service was great and I loved that you could watch the chefs making the pizzas too.

Day 2:
We woke up nice and early in order to make the most out of our first full day. Breakfast be
ing by far my favourite meal of the day we headed the the famous Breakfast Club. There was so much choice but eventually I decided on the homemade granola which was incredible. However my brother had the pancakes which I also could have devoured. Next we headed back across to the pier but walked along the sea front to the crazy golf which was so much fun. I'm part of an extremely competitive family so the only downside of this was that me coming second won't be forgotten any time soon! We also visited the marina and took some photos of the pier (very stereotypical Brighton touristy type things but they had to be done of course). For lunch me and mum went to the very bloggerish and over instagrammed Flour Pot Bakery. However this was definitely not a let down with gorgeous interiors and amazing baked goods. After another wander round the lanes nipping in and out of some lovely shops as well as a quick ice cream stop at Boho Gelato where I had the best ice cream ever (there were so many flavours to choose from but I opted for peanut butter and jelly and vanilla latte), it was then time to head back to the hotel and we decided on going to Wahaca for dinner. The food here was so good and there was a really nice laid back atmosphere. I loved that you could sample different dishes by having the small dishes as I am far to indecisive when choosing from a menu! The cocktails were also to die for, I think I had a passionfruit and vanilla mojito, as you can never have too many mojitos!

Day 3:
We decided we could just have a quick breakfast in the hotel for convenience and to save a few pennies this morning. We stayed in the Premier Inn which I would definitely recommend as it is right in the city centre within walking distance from anything you would want to see and do. For us it was perfect and so convenient. After breakfast the girls went on a bit of a shopping spree in the Churchill Square shopping centre in which there is every shop you could think of. And then headed for lunch at Bread and Milk which I loved. Decision making was so difficult in here as the sandwich counter was full of halloumi, hummus and pesto loaded options which I just couldn't resist! We took another stroll around the lanes. Some of my favourite little shops we visited included; Edited (full of so many gorgeous interiors) , Infinity Foods (for all of the yummy snacks), Bluebird Tea Co (honestly if you love tea this place is like heaven), Magazine Brighton (for my new found love of magazines for lots of inspiration and lazy day reading) and Spider Plant (oh my gosh if you love cacti and are a true plant lover get yourself in this little store!) . When we all reunited after the boys had been to Seaworld and we had been shopping we quickly nipped into Snoopers Paradise to use the photo booth. Then made a pit stop at one of the many Cloud 9 bakeries for the best red velvet cupcake ever! In the evening me and mum went to Food for Friends, somewhere I had been excited about eating at for so long and it definitely didn't let me down, my mum isn't a veggie and she absolutely loved it which is such a big compliment to the restaurant. The service was incredible and so was the food. I definitely had the best halloumi burger of my life and the sharing truffles desert was such a treat. Not forgetting some of the best cocktails I've had, a trip here was definitely such a treat.

Day 4:
I was so sad that this was our final day but due to this I was determined to make the most of it. Therefore I woke up bright and early and headed to 42 Juice for a little breakfast pick me up. This place is so good with a huge array of juice, smoothie, coffee and snack choices. I went for the buckwheat porridge with loads of toppings which was so smooth and dreamy as well as an almond milk latte to wake me up! The woman working in there was so lovely as we got chatting whilst I sat and people watched out the window. Once I had finished I took a final walk around, snapped a few photos of the Pavilion and grabbed some snacks from The Infinity Foods Bakery for the long journey home. We then all squished into the car and headed over to Hove as it was far too windy to walk down the seafront! I snapped some obligatory photos of the gorgeous pastel beach huts which definitely cannot go a miss when visiting Brighton as they always make the perfect stereotypical insta post. However it was then sadly time to head home.

Top and Shorts - Both Topshop
Bag - Cambridge Satchel Company
 Shoes - Office

I would definitely recommend Brighton as a city to anyone, everywhere is so cute and positive and there is so much to explore! I would absolutely love to head back again some time soon. I hope this post helped anyone who has a trip down to the coast planned or just fancies another trip and wanted a few recommendations!

What city should I visit next? Let me know if you have any ideas! I'd also love to hear about some of your favourite places to go in Brighton for if I ever visit again!

Ash x