Sunday 29 May 2016

Exploring Japanese Gardens

The sunshine making a little appearance is a very rare occasion in the UK so it seemed completely necessary to take full advantage of it, and what better way to do so than by visiting the most beautiful little Japanese gardens. 

The gardens were so relaxing and peaceful, I honestly could have spent all day just strolling around. Everywhere was so tranquil and picturesque so as usual I was snapping away the whole time (how could you not when everywhere was so instagram worthy?!) 
When we arrived we were greeted by the most lovely Japanese man who gave us this incredible Japanese fruit tea in the cutest ceramic cups! Sipping tea in the most beautiful surroundings is my idea of heaven so as you can imagine this was perfect and I was so content.  

Blouse - Zara, Skirt - Urban Outfitters, Shoes - Office (similar here)
Bag - Cambridge Satchel Company, Watch - Daniel Wellington

Making the most of the nice weather obviously I got out all of the summer clothes. I'm so obsessed with this blouse at the moment and have been wearing it non stop! It's such a versatile piece and I feel so girly when I wear it with the frills and cut out details. I've also been loving styling my pink satchel ever since I got it, it surprisingly matches so many of my outfits, most likely down to my very monochromatic wardrobe situation, but never the less i'm so in love with it and love the pop of colour and feminine touch it adds to an outfit.

I had such a lovely day exploring and relaxing, and I am hoping for many more little adventures through out the summer months. Please let me know if you have any recommendations and if you would like to see more of this kind of post.

Ash x

Thursday 26 May 2016

Current Skincare Favourites/Routine

I’ve never suffered from having particularly problematic skin which I feel very lucky for really. However I do love trying out new skincare bits and experimenting with my routine. It’s almost impossible to me to resist popping into Space NK or department store beauty counters when I'm passing! However recently I have managed to develop a little skincare routine that i’m really happy with and find that it works around my lifestyle (my laziness and lack of motivation to get that mascara off in the evening) as well as my skins needs. So I thought I would share with you a few of the products that i’ve been enjoying using.

My first step is to cleanse my face and for this I tend to use the very well known Liz Earle cleanse and polish. I’ve seen so many people use this and I can completely understand why, it’s just so quick and easy whilst also being really effective in removing all of your makeup. It leaves my face feeling clean and fresh and is just such a nice product to use in general. I would say this is really good for all skin types as it’s so gentle on the skin.

I've only recently started to discover the magic stuff which is serum, why did I not use this before it honestly seems to work miracles. I am currently loving using the Origins original skin renewal serum. Not only does this come in gorgeous pretty pink packaging and smell amazing it also works wonders for my skin. It claims to; de-stress, smooth roughness, delete dullness, shrink pores and minimise pores and I would say it definitely ticks all of these boxes. I have definitely noticed a significant difference in my skin ever since I started using this, it seems much brighter and radiant nowadays. You also only need the tiniest amount and it goes such a long way so it’s definitely worth splurging a little on the slightly higher price point. 

Once the serum has sunk in I move on to moisturiser. I hate moisturisers that are really heavy and linger on your face for what seems like an eternity once you’ve used it. Seen as I don’t suffer from particularly dry skin I just use a light moisturiser, i’m currently really enjoying using the Liz Earle skin repair moisturiser (can you tell i’m a big fan of Liz Earl?).

And that’s about it for my everyday routine, as you can tell I try to keep it as simple as possible to ensure that I actually stick to it.
However I do like to treat myself to some extra little treatments and things about once a week. Face masks are one of my favourite ways to relax whilst also giving my skin a well needed treat. My all time favourite one is the Sanctuary Spa 5 minute thermal detox mask. This is the perfect mask, not only is it really affordable but it also leaves your skin feeling so soft and glowing afterwards. The warming sensation whilst you leave it on is also so nice, I think thermal masks are my favourite for this reason because it’s just so relaxing. However the Lush fresh face masks are also some of my favourites too. 

I thought I would also mention a few sort of miscellaneous products that aren’t for my ‘face routine’ but I would still class them as part of my skin care. 

So i’ve really been loving the Lush salted coconut hand scrub as I can often get really dry hands and this little pot of magic seems to instantly seems to fix that making them super soft. It also smells incredible, I instantly love anything coconut scented really so this was always going to be a winner for me! I love Lush as a brand in general and have so much trust that any of there products will be amazing! 

I’ve also been loving using facial mists as part of my routine. I like to use them as both a toner as well as just a bit of a face refresher. My current favourite is the Caudalie grape water and I basically just spray this all of the time! It’s so nice as it is very soothing, moisturising and refreshing, especially when you’ve been staring at a screen for ages or out and about in busy cities and stuff. I usually use it at the end of my skincare routine and then chuck it in my handbag or put it on my bedside table so it's easy to to grab and quickly spritz throughout the day as a little pick me up. I also love using the Neal's Yard white tea face mist which smells amazing! Neal's Yard have loads of really lovely products if you're looking to treat yourself I would really recommend it as a brand! Another thing I love about both of these mists is that they never leave your face feeling damp and don't damage your makeup they just leave a subtle glow and set your makeup in place. I always have one of them knocking about nearby!

Let me know if you have anymore recommendations for me as I am always up for mixing my routine up a little bit and trying out new products. I’d love to hear what some of your personal favourite skin care products are too!

Ash xx